Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Chimes Of Freedom

The Chimes of Freedom.

The Chimes of Freedom rang out loud and clear, not once, but TWICE from no place other than our federal courts this week as TWICE Law Enforcement and Nazis in America received a giant FUCK YOU in favor of the people of these sometimes United States in America.

I'm actually amazed, but not speechless.  go figure.  First, a sixth circuit court of appeals ruled that LAW ENFORCEMENT MUST HAVE A WARRANT before they can prevail upon YOUR internet service provider to cave in, roll over like little bitches, and up your e mail conversations in their servers.

Follow the link to your FOURTH AMENDMENT VICTORY!

Second, and only yesterday, a third circuit court of appeals ruled AGAINST THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION IN YOUR FAVOR concerning triangulation without a warrant.  Law Enforcement must HAVE A WARRANT to triangulate you via cell phone towers.

Follow the link above and hear the CHIMES OF FREEDOM RING!  Fuck you, Law Enforcement!  Fuck your desire to impose the will of corporations upon the free people of America!